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单价: 面议
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 全球 亚洲 中国
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2022-10-24 16:44
=== 细网碎片安全网 其安装表面不垂直于水平面,称为水平网或平面网。这是一种耐用的网状织物,旨在防止人和物体坠落,或避免和减少此类坠落造成的身体伤害。水平安全网主要用于在建筑施工中捕捉坠落的人员和物体。 这种重型碎片网 由强高密度聚乙烯(HDPE)或柔性聚丙烯(PP)编织而成。碎片安全网可包括 水平脚手架遮阳/防风网和垂直碎片网 为施工现场的安全和以较少的清理时间提高生产率创建屏障系统。提供3、6和9针编织类型。细网碎片网,在所有侧面提供孔眼,用于固定到结构上。


Debris netting used as Horizontal Safety Net has a fine high dense opening of maximum 2000 mesh per 100 square centimeter while common vertical safety netting (max. 800 opening per 100 square centimeter). The high density mesh allows it to prevent articles with bottom area under 100 square centimeter and offers better safety features.
Secondly, horizontal netting is knitted with very special method, with firm knots, uniform openings and sizes. It is firm, tough, durable and economic.
Thirdly, this products offers good air permeability, can be closed for working and keep the constructional site nice and clean.
Fourthly, The durable HDPE or chemical fiber materials are fire retardant.

HDPE Fine Mesh Debris Safety Netting, 3 Needles

In rolls of 6m x 25m
Structure: 3 needles knit
HDPE mesh debris safety netting

Horizontal Construction Scaffolding Debris Net, 6 Needles

Structuer: 6 Needle Knitting
Fabric: HDPE
Purpose: Horizontal Construction Net For Building Safety

Used in construction and installation of works high above ground, power station, ship, water construction and various working sites.

9 Needles Mesh Netting

Fire Proof Nylon Debris Netting for Horizontal Safety Guarding Barrier

购买产品请联系发布者,如果需要产品发布、出口退税、货物报关清关代理请联系平台服务: admin@b2bgood.com
脚手架碎片网 建筑施工安全网 水平施工细网碎片网 垂直碎片安全网 UV和FR处理的HDPE碎片网 阻燃杂物网
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