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单价: 面议
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 全球 亚洲 中国
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2022-10-15 09:29
=== 我们提供 两种弯曲的三维网格面板:常见的弯曲3D焊接网格面板和358个高安全性焊接3D面板。由低碳钢丝、镀锌钢丝和不锈钢丝制成。防腐处理包括电/热镀锌、PVC喷涂或PVC浸涂。3D面板围栏系统是一种防攀爬模块化围栏,用于广泛的周界和边界安全应用。高安全358网格围栏为监狱、军事设施等提供高标准的安全保障。



Thanks to the mesh size, intruder can not climb it or easily cut it. What's more, profiled panel and panel with addtional wire can make it more unbreakable and different post options are available for you to choose.

2D 358 Mesh Panels Topped with Razor Wire Ribbons

Panel Styles Options:
2D plus mesh panel- Flat with additional wire
2D panel without curves
2D plus with one additional horizontal wire every 11 mesh
3D Mesh Panels.

Sizes Options for 358 Mesh:

Mesh size Height Width Line wire x cross wire Post length Nos. Of brackets
76.2 x 12.7 mm 2100 2500 / 2750 / 3000 3.0 x 4.0
4.0 x 4.0
4.0 x 6.0
2700 7
2200 2500 / 2750 / 3000 2800 8
2400 2500 / 2750 / 3000 3000 9
2700 2200 / 2300 3700 10
3000 2200 / 2300 4000 11
3600 2200 / 2300 4800 12
4000 2200 / 2300 5200 14

Steel Posts Options:
Hot Dipped Galvanized and Powder Coated or Painted
1. C post with flat bar: 60x80mm, 80x100mm,100x150mm with wall thickness 2.0-5.0mm;
2. Square tube post: 60x60mm, 80x80mm, 100mmx100mm with wall thickness 1.2-1.5mm;
3. Rectanular Post: 60x80mm, 80x100mm,100x150mm with wall thickness 2.5-5.0mm;
4. IPE post: 100x55mm, 100x68mm, 120x74mm with wall thickness 1.2-2.0mm;
5. Round tube post: 48mm, 60mm.

Hot Dipped Galvanized and PVC Powder Coated or Spray Painted
1) Steel clips or plastic clips
2) Plastic anti-water caps
3) base plate for fence: 500x300x300

Fence Tops Options:
Barbed Wire;
Razor wire coils;
Concertina wire.

购买产品请联系发布者,如果需要产品发布、出口退税、货物报关清关代理请联系平台服务: admin@b2bgood.com
移动安全屏障 临时移动现场围栏 移动交通护栏 移动围栏面板 移动围栏安全护栏 高安全围栏
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