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北京鑫太城谷 4%仔猪预混合饲料 供应

单价: 面议
起订: 1 袋
供货总量: 10000 袋
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
所在地: 全球 亚洲 中国
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2018-02-02 21:07

. Xin too city cereal pig adds up to feed with premix

Product characteristic:

1: Contain rich vitamin, microelement, contented and thoroughbred pig grows quickly, progenitive nutrition needs, raise a pig to must produce property significantly, improve feed utilization rate.

2: Add efficient, the feed medicated premix of up to specification, prevent disease happening effectively, reduce expenditure of expenses for medicine

3: Gravid sow, the aggrandizement in compound premix adds lactation sow vitaminE, Folic acid, biology element, stimulative sow is postpartum secrete breast, rise to be good at young is led and survive rate

4: Use organic microelement, pigskin is red, mao Liang, type of build or figure is good, improve lean lean rate and body quality

5: Use a variety of individual and amino acid, amino acid more evenly, can develop a pig adequately to must grow potential.

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Please Contact The Supplier. Or Apply For Purchasing Agent mailto:
请联系发布者,如果需要采购代理请联系: admin@b2bgood.com
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