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促生长增免疫快速增重的羔羊预混料用农博力尔羔羊饲料 促生长健壮素

单价: 面议
起订: 1 25kg
供货总量: 999999 25kg
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2018-02-02 20:58
===Hurried grows add immunity the kid premix of fast weightening finish, just was born from kid, to begin to suck the breast, to ablactation, arrive even begin to eat feed normally, no matter which phase, total meeting produces kid death phenomenon, some phase return mortality extremely tall. Investigate its reason, still basically be kid hidebound, bring about inadequacy of kid immunity force to resist bacteria, company of liability of science and technology of Er of force of Beijing farming rich developed 5% kid in the light of this one circumstance hale element, enhance immune power strong bone, be good at kid, increase fat, tension rare. [premix of 5% flesh sheep] Product brief introduction: 5% kid are hale element (Y5471) is a basis demand of physiology of kid growth period is special make up, aggrandizement all sorts of vitamins that need between kid growth period, microelement, and mineral, ensure the growth with fast kid. Product characteristic 1, kid is hale element is nutrition of OK and compensatory kid, long the flesh is fast, strong bone Zhuang Biao, be good at body. 2, enhance kid immunity power, reduce disease occurence rate, raise kid survival rate. 3, a variety of vitamins and mineral, the actor of effect of later period fatten that is kid is remarkable. Element of VA of raw material composition, VD3, VE, nicotinic acid, pantothenic acid, biology, iron, copper, manganese, zinc, iodic, Selenium, cobaltic, calcic, phosphor. Use method 1, when raise is fed, feed coarse fodder first (corn lever, wheaten straw, green hay) add product again, product first little hind much, mix scatter even, feed full till. 2, product dosage is: The scale control of the 1.5-3% of weight or concentrated feed and coarse fodder is in add 30-40% between, daily concentrated feed is divided into 2-3 to raise quantity second, scale of fattening sheep concentrated feed can rise appropriately. 3, progenitive ewe concentrated feed: Coarse fodder is in as far as possible 1: 3 less than. The use note 1, referenced recipe that recommends according to place, proposal client uses the freedom of raw material; that accords with national level to collect feed high grade green hay and ensiling feed, fill appropriately reasonable agitate of; of raise viridescence feed, ensure premix is in in feed distributing equably. 2, the color that carrier change can create product outward appearance changes, do not affect use result. 3, this product spends compound premix for Gao Nong, cannot direct raise is fed, need is pressed recommend a recipe to use. Number Y5471 raises a target: Kid is mothball sheep, corn: 64, the beans dregses of rice 10, cotton dregses of rice 14, dish dregses of rice 6, fish meal 0, bran 0, salt 1, premix 5 (all sorts of every 100 jins of content units: Jin) Er of force of Beijing farming rich contacts means: ? ? ? Phone: 010, 62112989? ? ? Contact: manager? ? ? Mobile phone: 13811792984? ? ? online QQ: 765840410? ? ? Firm address: Beijing Haidian area 10 thousand Shouxi streets edifice of 2 article rich 4? ? ? Firm network address: Http://www.nongbolier.cn? ? ? Deliver goods a packet of start shipment faces the whole nation first Consign a technology freely advanced, character is top-ranking, outstanding achievement year after year is climbed litre, the safeguard after carry out, offer a prescription! Ewe premix of _ of lactation sheep premix the first brandPlease Contact The Supplier. Or Apply For Purchasing Agent mailto:
请联系发布者,如果需要采购代理请联系: admin@b2bgood.com
饲料 波尔羊吃用北京农博力尔膘肥王 提高饲料报酬 改善肉质 羊饲料所需营养物质就要用农博力尔 增膘壮骨 羔羊饲料 增膘壮骨 促生长增免疫快速增重的羔羊预混料用农博力尔羔羊饲料 促生长健壮素 饲料 羊用催肥的饲料添加剂用北京农博力尔营养快车 提高免疫力 转型饲养场精细化饲养用农博力尔Y5471 羔羊饲料 饲料 羔羊北京农博力尔Y5471 增膘壮骨 提高免疫 饲料 猪用的饲料添加剂北京农博力尔营养快车 提高料肉比 波尔山羊饲料配方 北京农博力尔 膘肥王
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