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обновление: 2015-06-22 09:43
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Подробное описание
===under info was translated buy computer, please contact the info poster===
Performance: Excellent

Low temperature fluidity it, is good for cold start and reduce engine wear Good;

Stability anti, shear performance so, that the oil pressure lasting stability High, protection engine full;

Oxidation resistance and thermal stability prolong, oil cycle effectively, reducing engine wear Excellent;

Clean dispersion completely, remove the engine sludge carbon the, engine Super;

And environment: Health

Is very low and, occasionally the skin contact no significant damage if, swallowed cause vomiting should, immediately call poison control center or seek medical treatment. Toxicity
Avoid long-term contact with the skin To, contact repeated, in the light of the storage storage, temperature can not exceed not 60 degrees.

Attention to environmental protection and, properly handle the waste oil. Pay

Standard: CI-4 API Quality

Level: 20W/50 15W/40 Viscosity

Size: 4L/18L Package

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