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хэнань качества малых трубки из потока трубы из потока цены, фотографии

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Цена за единицу: 16666666.67DOLLAR/rice
заказ: 1 rice
Общий запас: 100000 rice
Срок доставки: После оплаты3Сколько дней отправлено
расположение: в мире в азии китай
Действительно для: Долгосрочная эффективность
обновление: 2016-06-15 16:20
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Drip irrigation for fruit trees
Now the traditional fruit tree drip irrigation is the most suitable for irrigation of fruit trees. The main principle of using turbulator or pressure compensating emitter to the branch punch, and then install the turbulator, then turn the turbulator connected directly to the small capillary, capillary into the trees on the edge of the water flow to the roots of fruit trees Everfount.
Turbulence is now in our company mainly 4, 8, 10, 15, 20, 60Lh.
As the name implies, the stable flow of water, regardless of the end of the water source, the size of the pressure can keep the water stable, and the price is cheap, long service life.
Pressure compensating emitter 4, 8L, the utility model has the advantages that the drip washing can be blocked by washing.
The utility model is suitable for being used in the mountain area, and is the best method for drip irrigation of fruit trees. Whether the country is the north or the south, or the western region of all fruit seedlings are irrigated.
It is also very convenient to install drip irrigation. More than 3 years of traditional irrigation method than traditional fruit trees, the traditional drip irrigation method is more practical than the traditional drip irrigation.
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