Security Weld Mesh Panelling
Weld mesh partition is used with palisade fence and many other fencing materials to provide additional anti-cutting, anti-climbing features. Normally, welded mesh of galvanized finish works with steel fencing of same finish.
The typical specifications as the following:
Fence panel: Welded galvanised 3mm diameter steel wire mesh, wire mesh reinforced, 3.5m height (inclusive of topping coil diamter which should not be more than 700 mm diamter) above top of foundation, 76mm x 12.5mm apertureFence Posts: fabricated steel posts showing clear sectional dimensions, braced or tapper locking, height of 3.5m above top foundation level
Weld mesh panels for gates available.
Topping Coil can be mounted above: galvanised steel barbed (blade profile) wire, high density per meter run, with fixing mechanism on steel angles/brakets, posts & fence panels, all topping coil materials complete with all accessories necessary for installation.
Galvanized Wire Mesh Fence - Security Mesh Fence of Welded Panels, Posts, Toppings and Gates
Fence panels, complete with wire meshes, posts (including extended posts 6m high, for installation of CCTV Cameras at intervals of 100 m and all accessories necessary for installation), topping and gates.
Typical Specifications:
Fence panel: Welded galvanized 4mm diameter steel wire mesh, wire mesh reinforced, 4m height (inclusive of topping coil diameter which should not be more than 700mm diameter) above top of foundation, 76mm x 12.5mm aperture
Fence Posts: fabricated steel posts, braced or tapper locking, height of 4m above top foundation level with concrete foundation of sectional dimensions 400mm x 400mm x 700mm depth
Fence gates: 8 m double leaf swing and 6 m double leaf swing, and pedestrian gates 1.2 m width, all with installation accessories.
Topping Coil: Galvanized steel barbed (blade profile) wire, high density per meter run, with fixing mechanism on steel angles/brakets, posts & fence panels. All topping coil materials are complete with all accessories necessary for installation.