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Magnetic Bubble Level For Leveling RVs, Campers, Travel Trailers, Campers, Turntables, TV Stands, Record Players, Tripods

Magnetic Bubble Level is a tool used to determine whether a surface is horizontally level or vertically plumb. It consists of a sealed vial containing a liquid and an air bubble. The position of the bubble within the vial indicates the levelness of the surface upon which the tool rests.

What distinguishes a magnetic bubble level from other types of bubble levels is its magnetic base. This allows the level to be attached securely to ferromagnetic surfaces (like iron or steel) without the need for hands or other supports. This feature is particularly handy in situations where the user needs to work hands-free or when working with metal surfaces.

Magnetic bubble levels are commonly used in construction, carpentry, and many other professions where ensuring a level or plumb surface is essential. They can also be found in household toolkits for hanging pictures, installing appliances, and other DIY projects.

Common Types

Magnetic bubble levels come in various types based on design, intended use, and specific features.

  1. Specialty Levels: These are designed for specific tasks, such as scaffolding levels with a groove to sit on a pipe or a fence post level.

When considering a magnetic version of these types, the primary feature is the inclusion of magnets, usually on the base or edge, which allows the level to adhere to metal surfaces without slipping. This is especially useful when working alone or in tight spaces.

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