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Декоративная медная ткань

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расположение: в мире в азии китай
Действительно для: Долгосрочная эффективность
обновление: 2023-09-12 16:30
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Подробное описание
 Decorative brass wire mesh is a copper + zinc alloy wire fabric, a new type of decorative material for inner and outer of buildings. Brass and copper wire mesh can be used in wall decoration, ceiling, partition, metal curtain, elevator inner decoration, furniture decoration and window glass inner-layer fillings.

Copper or brass decorative wire mesh is made of copper wire or brass wire.
Decorative woven wire mesh is woven with copper alloy wire, copper wire, stainless steel wire, etc. The product can be supplied with the color of the original metal, or painted into bronze, copper, gold and other metallic colors.

Woven decorative mesh fabric offers a good three-dimensional effect, and shows charm under the illumination of light. It is a versatile decoration material for modern hotels, restaurants, exhibition halls, etc.

Benefits: Decorative wire cloth can be used in decorating spacious public building, also a small site. The natural metal color changes with the light and the emission effect of the metal mesh, the chaotic and changing visual effect can reflect the creativity of the designer. Installation and application of decorative wire mesh is not restricted by space and the installation is simple.

Our brass mesh product can be used in facade construction, protective guardrails, parking garage facades, sound absorption and sun protection. Because of the weaving procedure, extra long panels can be fixed from grand floor to the roof. Unusual facade designs can be realized with decorative mesh grilles.

Decorative Woven Wire Mesh Specification

Brass mesh netting, creative weave with wire rope and rod, for elevator cladding

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