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Медный перфорированный фильтр

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расположение: в мире в азии китай
Действительно для: Долгосрочная эффективность
обновление: 2023-09-12 16:27
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Подробное описание
 Copper perforated panels refers to a sheet or panel made of copper that has been perforated with a pattern of holes. Perforation involves creating a series of regularly spaced or custom-designed holes in the metal surface, allowing for the passage of air, light, sound, or other substances. Copper perforated panels find applications in architecture, interior design, industrial settings, and more. They are commonly used as decorative elements, facades, sunscreens, privacy screens, acoustic panels, ventilation covers, and signage.

Copper panel with the following dimensions:
- Approximate thickness 1/8 inch
- 1 each 28 1/4 inch x 28 1/4 inch and 1 each 28 1/4 inch x 13 1/4 inch
- Hole size 3/8 inch
- Distance between holes 3/8 inch. Not center to center, but the distance from end of one hole to the start of the next hole.
- Hole pattered staggered
- 1 inch margin/border on all four sides before holes start.

The specific hole pattern and size can be customized to achieve desired aesthetic effects, functionality, or performance characteristics, such as light diffusion, sound absorption, or airflow regulation.

Perforated copper sheets or panels to a solar shading canopy of about 240 sq m in size for building project.

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