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潍坊正业猪预混料 猪厂供用预混料 促进生长快速育肥 , 良种猪颗粒饲料 母猪饲料

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Цена за единицу: 18.73DOLLAR/袋
Общий запас: 10000000 袋
Срок доставки: После оплатыСколько дней отправлено
расположение: в мире в азии бутан
Действительно для: Долгосрочная эффективность
обновление: 2018-02-02 21:09
Информация о компании
Подробное описание
===Следующая информация переводится на компьютер, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с издателем
===Limited company of feed of Wei lange regular occupation held water 1998, it is scientific research of a market, production, sale, service the modern feed that is an organic whole produces a business, have legal person place. The company is located in all dinosaurian countryside Shandong cities wIth pretty scenery, qingdao of littoral famous city is faced east, south adjoin is burgeoning haven sunshine, north faces kite name Wei lane, situation is advantageous, communication is easy. Through old development, now the company has fixed assets nowadays 10 million yuan, cover an area of a faceTo accumulate 10 thousand square metre, existing employee 300 more than person, among them diploma of above of three - year institution of higher learning occupies 30%. The company has the modern lab with complete facility, manufacturing workshop deserves to have advanced computer burden systemAnd computer management system, make additional cost promotes the product ceaseelessly. The company collected the outsstanding technology qualified personnel of current feed and aquaculture.Please Contact The Supplier. Or Apply For Purchasing Age mailto:
Свяжитесь с издателем и обратитесь к покупателю admin@b2bgood.com
более>Другие продукты этой компании
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