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直销 肉鹅中期配合饲料

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Цена за единицу: оборотный
заказ: 100 公斤
Общий запас: 100000 公斤
Срок доставки: После оплатыСколько дней отправлено
расположение: в мире в азии китай
Действительно для: Долгосрочная эффективность
обновление: 2018-02-02 20:55
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The physiology phase that feed gaggle must differ according to big goose and nutrient demand, raise means and environment, grow the big goose feed that a particular case such as the circumstance chooses to differ.

The nutrition with the careful raw material choice, scientific course of big goose feed of my company is tie - in, feed nutrition composition is rich and larger, contain enough mineral and protein organic matter, dainty sex is better, big goose eats an amount big, and the composition in feed is relatBig goose feed is having crucial effect to the security of gaggle, so the quality respect of feed must guard a pass strictly, must want very on the safe side, we are OK and earnest to your acceptance, to make sure the product of the health of goose and goose isSafe, our big goose feed is not contained absolutely any additive mix any other violating the composition of compasses, the welcome comes to a choose and buy before broad client!

Please Contact The Supplier. Or Apply For Purchasing Age mailto:
Свяжитесь с издателем и обратитесь к покупателю admin@b2bgood.com
более>Другие продукты этой компании
直销 鹅后备补充配合饲料 直销 肉鹅中期配合饲料 鹅后备补充配合饲料  质量保障
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