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обновление: 2018-02-02 20:55
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Product introduction:
Female employment of case human relationsMainThe element of gold a sector of an area that reposes at loose tender prairie hasThe element of gold a sector of an area that reposes at loose tender prairie hasNiu ChengNiu ChengThe An Da city that say. How to amount to city to be located in Heilongjiang to save hinterland of tender Campagna of southwest ministry pine, it is the countryside of China 's famous milk cow and beef be cattle base.Yang CaoThe leaf measures much, nutrition rich, dainty sex is good, of all kinds cattle all is fond of all the year round feed, have"The flour and rice of draught animals" good name.HerdCivilian appearance says:Civilian appearance says:Yang CaoHave oily, withYang CaoFeed draught animals, do not feed namely makings also become fat.Do not feed namely making also become fat...

OneselfHavePure natural, pure green organicпраири610 thousand mus, produce per year grazing quantity10000More than tons, the prairie is located in fecund Heilongjiang to saveDaqingArea, lie hillock of the lie of the li of collect, Ren Min town that how amounts to city, flint, tiger, 4 smooth hill, Ji Xingang, the grass that is area of prairie high yield and high quality is qualitativeBaleAfter storingDirectSend each district of past whole nation.
Come for years,WeDepend on careless resource abundant, grass is qualitative admirable,Scrupulously abide by an user consummate, credit the first,Abide by a contract to be the first tenet, the northeast with home, China north, Hua Dong, Hua Na, China the enterprise of medium area undertook friendly and cheerful cooperation.AndGet their reputably.

Weдействие"It is course of study with grass, promote herd with grass, sincere letter cooperates, march toward outstanding, offer high grade product, it is redund client 's best method" service concept, expect the collaboration with you sincerely.
Cooperate squareType: Both sides can be passed sign an agreement, after waiting for method of goods amount, types of transportation, settle accounts relevant content to make clear, can offer money namely.
Carriage means: Motor transportation, go to goods carry directly with the car inside field of unit of the other side.
Payment:Bearer incoming telegram negotiatesPay first, must hit assign account

Earnest and affirmatory: It is him home prairie, earn price difference without middleman absolutely

ConnectionPhone Gentleman:Mr. Zhang: 15953277999


Please Contact The Supplier. Or Apply For Purchasing Age mailto:
Свяжитесь с издателем и обратитесь к покупателю admin@b2bgood.com
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