=== 短切钢绞线制成的玻璃纤维网格栅与沥青垫一起使用,形成道路路面的混凝土加固系统。 玻璃纤维网格具有弹性聚合物涂层,使其具有优异的耐腐蚀性、耐碱性和耐酸性。这样涂覆的玻璃纤维路面网格板很坚固,适合用作路面和基层施工的加固材料。
玻璃纤维路面网 网格 is designed in sheet panel structure with high tensile strength in vertical and horizontal directions, low elongation, high elastic modulus, high and low temperature resistant properties.
A composite grid grating can be made of fiberglass and resin by the mould technology with heavy bearing capacity. The fiberglass composite grid panel is safe for heavy pavement strengthening.
Pavement Mesh in Projects:
Polyester, PP or Fiberglass Mesh Grid Rolls for Surface Construction
GeoGrid Netting for Road and Bridge base Reinforcement, with Asphalt Mat
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