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品牌: Anti Cut Through & Anti Climbing Fence

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单价: 面议
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 全球 亚洲 中国
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2022-09-16 15:48
=== 我们供应和交付防攀爬围栏面板, 剃刀丝手风琴、铁丝网、大门、柱子和支架。用于完整围栏系统的施工和安装。面板有358个网格、尖桩、剃刀网格。

非攀爬围栏面板通常由358焊接网状结构制成。358防攀爬围栏极难穿透,小网孔可有效防止手指接触,而且用常规手动工具也极难穿透358'来自其测量值3"x 0.5"x 8量规,公制约76.2mm x 12.7mm x 4mm。


Post height : 2m, 2.3m, 2.5m, 2.7m, 3m, 3.6m
Post type: square fence post 60*60*2.0/2.5,80*80*2.0/3.0mm
Fitting: Flat bar, metal clips
Material: Carbon steel
Surface treatment: Electric galvanized, hot dipped galvanized, then powder coated; hot dipped galvanized
Color: Green, black, biege, others


Hot dipped galvanized anti climb fence weld mesh panel,green pvc coated for a service life about 25 years
Anti climb fence mesh panels, posts, metal clips and clamps, all to be hot dip galvanised then powder coating in green color RAL 6005, suitable for offshore area

Technical Details

Mesh Panel:
Panel size: 3000 mm height x 2515 mm width.
Material: ASTM A 641. Wire shall be steel and have class 3 zinc coating as specified in ASTM A 641 unless otherwise specified, wire shall have a tensile strength not less than 58,000 pounds per square inch.
Mesh pattern: 76.2 mm (3") * 12.7 mm (0.5") resistance welded well at each intersection with 1 'V' shaped beam.
Wire diameter: 4 mm horizontal wire and vertical Wire.
Weld strength: range 540 to 690 N/m2.
Surface treatment: Steel mesh fence panels made from hot dipped gi wire, then PVC powder coating (Min. 100 micron), or PVC powder painting.
Life span: With an additional powder coating protection, the metal fence is expected to have an increased potential life span to 25 years.
Color: Green RAL 6005

Fence posts:
Material: ASTM A 702 high grade steel tor maximum strength / rigidity. Steel fence posts and braces shall be made of high-grade steel for maximum strength and rigidity conforming to the requirements of ASTM A 702 far steel fence posts.
Post Section. 80 * 80 mm.
Post Plate thickness: 2.5 mm
Post Length: 3800 mm.
base Plate: 10 mm Plate: 200 x 200 mm
Fimsh: inside and outside galvanized ( Min. 275 g/m2), subsequently covered with a polymer powder (Min. 60 micron).
Color: Green RAL 6005.
Post cap: metal caps
metal clips and clamps are to be hot dip galvanized then powder coating in green color RAL 6005.

Anti-climb Fence Project Drawing Details
Anti-climb panels supplied in 2515mm wide x 3m high with razor blade wire for prison fencing

Material and fixing clamps: Interior / straight section
Material: ASTM A 702 - mm 80 * 80 * 2.5 SHS Clamps
Material mm 80 x 80 x 2.5 SHS Clamps NO. 10 {per straight section)
Made of high-grade steel for maximum strength and rigidity conforming to the requirements of ASTM A 702 for steel fence posts
Finish: inside and outside galvanized (Min . 275 g/m2), subsequently covered with a polymer powder (Min. 60 micron).
metal clips and clamps are to be hot dip galvanized then powder coating in green color RAL 6005.

Material and fixing clamps: Exterior/corner section
ASTM A 702 - mm 80 * 80 * 2.5 SHS Clamps
Material mm 80 x 80 x 2.5 SHS Clamps No. 20 (per corner section)
Made of high-grade steel for maximum strength and rigidity conforming to the requirements of ASTM A 702 for steel fence posts
Finish: inside and outside galvanized (Min 275 g/m2), subsequently covered with a polymer powder (Min. 60 micron)
metal clips and clamps are to be hot dip galvanized then powder coating in green color RAL 6005.

All raw materials shall be tested.
All items listed shall be inspected at each stage of manufacture. A sample ot each manufacturing batch shall be made available tor inspector to determine it the required quality level as detailed has been met. The result of the inspection shall determine the acceptance or otherwise of the whole batch.


Wrought Iron Steel Picket Fence with Non Climbing Pointed Top

Fabricate and install 8' high of wrought iron fence.
Three sliding gates25 feet x 8 feet high and 12 feet long x 8 feet
Material to be used:
2"sq. 1/8" steel posts and gates frame
Posts to be set in concrete
1.1/2"sq. 1l gauge top and bottom rails
3/4"sq.16ga. vertical pickets (pressed pointed top)
4"max. space in between pickets.
All steel fence and gates to be primer and painted black

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