Texture of material | 65Mn |
Origin / manufacturer: | Baoshan |
Processing technology: | Heat treatment quenching |
Uses: | Woodworking band saw |
Warehouse | Wuxi City Tong Jian Spring Steel Co., Ltd. |
Specifications | 1.05,1.25mm*100125150 (mm) |
معلومات الشركة الأساسية
انتبه:الناشر غير مسجل على هذا الموقع ، فمن المستحسن إعطاء الأولويةVIPعضو |
Texture of material | 65Mn |
Origin / manufacturer: | Baoshan |
Processing technology: | Heat treatment quenching |
Uses: | Woodworking band saw |
Warehouse | Wuxi City Tong Jian Spring Steel Co., Ltd. |
Specifications | 1.05,1.25mm*100125150 (mm) |