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منزل > مركز الأخبار > Stable Isotope Labeled Peptides
مركز الأخبار
Stable Isotope Labeled Peptides
وقت الإصدار:2016-12-07        تصفح مرة:11        العودة إلى القائمة
 Stable isotope labeled peptides have been widely applied in the nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and mass spectrometry (MS). The combination of SIL peptides with NMR spectroscopy allow for the incorporation of NMR active nuclei which can reduce the complexity of spectra, and then help researchers to obtain novel correlations between atoms for more structural information. Meanwhile, the utilization of SIL peptides in quantitative proteomics can facilitate the comparison of different proteomes, and protein-protein interaction studies as internal standards, even MRM/SRM-based absolute quantification of specific target proteins in biological samples. This AQUA strategy, is quite useful in protein therapeutics discovery, pharmacokinetics, and toxicity studies, etc. 

More information Please visit the website:http://www.creative-peptides.com/services/stable-isotope-labeled-peptides.html