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منزل > مركز الأخبار > Fluorescent labeling of proteins
مركز الأخبار
Fluorescent labeling of proteins
وقت الإصدار:2016-12-05        تصفح مرة:11        العودة إلى القائمة
 Protein, antibodies, peptides, nucleic acids, ligands, synthetic oligonucleotides and other biomolecules, labeling with fluorescent molecules that allows the sensing and visualizing of protein dynamics, localization, and protein-protein interactions, is an invaluable technique to understand protein functions and networks in living cells. 

Various labeling techniques are developed in BOC Sciences such as enzymatic labeling, protein labeling, genetic labeling and quantum dot are widely utilized to meet our customers’ need.

More information please visit our website:http://www.bocsci.com/fluorescent-labeling-of-proteins.html