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منزل > مركز الأخبار > Separation Technology
مركز الأخبار
Separation Technology
وقت الإصدار:2016-12-05        تصفح مرة:12        العودة إلى القائمة
 Our dedicated separation services team offers SMB (Simulated Moving Bed), SFC (Supercritical Fluid Chromatography) and HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography) chiral purification services at scales ranging from milligrams to hundreds of kilograms to metric tons, with efficient project management and expedient project turnaround times.
SMB technology is a process utilizing several columns to achieve high productivity. It is versatile for the preparation of chiral drugs and a large number of other APIs. SMB is mainly used for binary separations such as enantiomeric purifications, and it can also be used to achieve chemical purifications.

SFC technology is liquid chromatography utilizing supercritical CO2 as a replacement solvent for traditional non-polar organic solvents. It can be used for purification of materials with poor solution stability. Supercritical liquid has characters of both gas and liquid, thus making it low viscosity. SFC is suitable for small to larger separation. 

HPLC is the most renowned analytical technique used in the fine chemical and pharmaceutical industries. Chiral batch HPLC is a simple and fast way to obtain small scale samples using 1-10 cm I.D. columns. Over 90% of racemic small molecules can be separated by HPLC at small scales.

More information please visit the website:http://www.alfa-chemistry.com/services/separation-technology.html