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Anping Boteng Wire Mesh Co., Ltd.

Stainless Steel Wire Mesh,Stainless Steel Welded Mesh,Crimped Wire Mesh,Hexag...

مقدمة الشركة
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مقدمة الشركة
 Anping Boteng Wire Mesh Co., Ltd. specializes in the manufacturing and export of wire mesh products and plastic mesh netting products, with a history spanning over 20 years. Our product range encompasses stainless steel mesh series, welded wire mesh series, iron steel wire, wire mesh fences, fence posts, wire nails, plastic mesh, expanded steel mesh, wire mesh processing products, and various filter elements. We are capable of producing and supplying products in various specifications, tailored to meet our customers’ requirements, and we offer customization to suit their needs.
ملف الشركة
اسم الشركة: Anping Boteng Wire Mesh Co., Ltd. نوع الشركة: Enterprises ()
الأرض: عالمي/آسيا/الصين حجم الشركة: 100-499,
رأس المال المسجل: 50عشرة آلافRMB سنة التسجيل: 2004
مصادقة البيانات:
الذهب الضمان: دفعت بالفعل 0.00 USD
نطاق العمل: Stainless Steel Wire Mesh,Stainless Steel Welded Mesh,Crimped Wire Mesh,Hexagonal Wire Netting,Wire Conveyor Belts,Filter Elements,Stainless Steel Wire Rope, Barbed Wire,Stainless Steel Wire,Razor Wire,Plastic Mesh
مبيعات المنتجات: Stainless Steel Wire Mesh,Stainless Steel Welded Mesh,Crimped Wire Mesh,Hexagonal Wire Netting,Wire Conveyor Belts,Filter Elements,Stainless Steel Wire Rope, Barbed Wire,Stainless Steel Wire,Razor Wir
الصناعة الرئيسية:
تعدين المعادن / شبكة معدنية / شبكة سلكية
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