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شراء غطاء الزهر

انقر على الصورة لرؤية الصورة الأصلية
كمية الطلب:

المسح الضوئي وتبادل
طلب السعر: 0
متطلبات التعبئة والتغليف:
موقع: عالميآسياالصين
صالحة ل: على المدى الطويل فعالة
آخر تحديث: 2016-03-01 01:01
السعر المعروض
معلومات الشركة الأساسية
وصف مفصل
Buy: Casting well cover; material: HT200: quantity: 800 tons, price: factory according to the market and the production of technical conditions and reasonable price of newspaper newspaper, ordering period: 180 -240 days, from the documentary, every 30-45 days to pay a cargo shipment: the factory is located nearest transport port cooperation after the establishment of 20-30% total prepaid deposit to the factory, after the first shipment, factory acceptance, settlement, the balance paid before shipment. Willingness to cooperate with the plant to understand the main parameters and technical requirements for quotation reference: 13721048669:13721048669@163.com contact.
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