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السعر من نسك محامل محامل المستوردة شراء

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كمية الطلب:

المسح الضوئي وتبادل
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موقع: عالميآسياالصين
صالحة ل: على المدى الطويل فعالة
آخر تحديث: 2015-07-04 18:26
السعر المعروض
معلومات الشركة الأساسية
وصف مفصل
===under info was translated buy computer, please contact the info poster===
Info was translated buy computer please, contact the info poster=== ===under
Recovery deruiri Bearing Co., Ltd. is the most professional recycling of imported bearing company, my company perennial in the bearing of the national recovery, recovery imported bearings, bearing acquisition, the acquisition of imported bearings, recycling SKF Bearing, recovery of NSK Bearings recovery of, FAG bearings, recycling NTN bearing, to receive imported screw bearing, recycling P4 level bearing, recycling of imported angular contact bearing, the acquisition of the makers of the bearing, the acquisition of outlets of bearing failures and recovery inventory bearings and bearing the backlog, the models do not limit the number is not limited to the brand is not restricted. Our company not only professional recycling SKF bearings, NSK bearings FAG, bearings, NTN bearings, while in 2011 the latest addition to the recovery of the Morgan. Acquisition of -9 class of bearings. 0 class My company specializes in the recovery of imported bearings, import of lead screw bearings, import P4 grade bearings. Since I Inception the, formation of a stable bearing "recycling network" ts...
وإذ تضع الإسكان شراء (الصلب أجزاء الصب، وتصنيع الآلات)
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