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الجوز النحاس

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كمية الطلب:

المسح الضوئي وتبادل
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موقع: عالميآسياالصين
صالحة ل: على المدى الطويل فعالة
آخر تحديث: 2015-07-04 18:21
السعر المعروض
معلومات الشركة الأساسية
وصف مفصل
===under info was translated buy computer, please contact the info poster===
Info was translated buy computer please, contact the info poster=== ===under
Hefei margin and import and export trade company EPCM don't buy'copper nut'EPCM quantity of 20 million, specifications, technical which see pictures of the process, period of validity: a month thedevelopment of H62 brass, a duration of 10 months, 40% advance deposit, approved number of node, sent documentary, factory inspection. Hope to have the processing and supply capacity of the unit to contact the offer Shen manager; 0551-62594854.
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