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كمية الطلب:

المسح الضوئي وتبادل
طلب السعر: 0
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موقع: عالميآسياالصين
صالحة ل: على المدى الطويل فعالة
آخر تحديث: 2015-07-04 18:19
السعر المعروض
معلومات الشركة الأساسية
وصف مفصل
===under info was translated buy computer, please contact the info poster===
Info was translated buy computer please, contact the info poster=== ===under
Wanted: intermediate shaft (machining), order quantity: 800000 Material: Specifications for carbon steel (45#): according to the requirements of the drawings processing and prices: the factory according to the requirements of the order and market combined with the enterprise production, management and technical conditions of the self-reported are reasonable in price and the newspaper, order delivery: 180-s 210 days, the production process to send (QC) sent documentary in the factory, every 30-45 days make a shoddy goods, shipment: factory for the location of the nearest Sinotrans port. After the establishment of the partnership can advance prepaid total price (20% - 30% deposit to the factory, first paragraph after the goods, production factory acceptance cash, settlement, with the remaining shipment before payment. Have cooperation with the intention of the factory need to understand the main specifications, types and technical parameters for pricing information, please call contact 0551-64214225 Chen Ms. Email hfyc999@163.com obtain information for reference price welcome, to me or...
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