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التاريخ إلى
يعمل صندوق شراء
  • يعمل صندوق شراء
  • Purchase the workpiece box, the number of 120000, A3 steel, technical requirements according to the process of production, the price: the factory from the reasonable price and reported that the supply period of 7-8 months, to determine the cooperation rel
  • 2015-07-04 18:12     
stamping شراء قطع الغيار
  • stamping شراء قطع الغيار
  • Buy stamping 400 and the suppliers according to the processing of drawings, and documentary sent guidance, in the factory inspection; delivery factory near the port or station, 13335512375 batch a knot payment
  • 2015-07-04 18:13     
ترتيب اليوم
  • 14مقالة1PER
الترتيب هذا الأسبوع
  • 4مقالة1cnc
  • 14مقالة2PER
  • 2مقالة3AMP
رتب هذا الشهر
  • 4مقالة1cnc
  • 14مقالة2PER
  • 2مقالة3AMP
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