انتشار بحث ساخن: ltd  Machine  Machinery  2025  China 

Vinh Food

  • اسم العلامة التجارية:Vinh Food
  • اسم الشركة
  • الصفحة الرسمية الرسمية:لا وقت
  • منطقة:عالمي
  • تصفح مرة5
  • تاريخ التحديث:2021-05-04
العلامة التجاريةمقدمة

Vinh Hoan Corp., is the largest pangasius processors and exporters in Vietnam. Vinh Hoan was established in Sadec , Dong Thap since 1997. Our company is prossecing according to HACCP, IFS anf BRC Standrads, and pangasius products are certified ASC, BAP4 and Global GAP. Vinh Hoan’s Pangasius lagoon is one of the first ASC certified pangasius farm in the world and is exported to market in Eupore, the U.S and Asia.

At the present, after more than 20 development years, Our product is presenting in over 40 destinations with more than 300 key accounts. Our main markets are the U.S, EU, China, Australia, Mexico, Netherlands and etc…

Our favorite products are Frozen pangasius fillet, Frozen pangasius loin /portion/cube… We also have value- added products from pangasius fish which are ready-to-eat and ready-to-cook.

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