انتشار بحث ساخن: ltd  Machine  Machinery  2025  China 


  • اسم العلامة التجارية:FREE-VALVE
  • اسم الشركة:b2bgood.com من إدارة الموقع
  • الصفحة الرسمية الرسمية:لا وقت
  • منطقة:عالميآسياالصين
  • تصفح مرة160
  • تاريخ التحديث:2018-07-17
العلامة التجاريةمقدمة
 Zhengzhou Free Fluid Control Technology Co.,Ltd is leader in the design valve and application of special industrial valves , we provide high quality industrial products for our customers all the time. First introduced ceramic engineer valve in the year 2008, FREE-VALVE’S have steadily proven their worth in tough industrial applications once thought to be solely the province of steel or ceramic valves. Today, as challenge traditional thinking in abrasive fluid applications, FREE-VALVES offer a wide rang of products:ceramic knife gate valve , ceramic double gate valve , ceramic rotary gate valve , slurry valve ,tank bottom angle valve , V type ball valve, ball valve, butterfly valve,ceramic tile lined composite pipes etc . They have a wide application in coal washing plant ,power plant ,alumina refinery, steel plant,petro-chemical etc. Our valves have been exported to Pakistan ,Turkey ,United states ,Indonesia,Taiwan etc .
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