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Hebei runtitan water-saving equipment Co. Ltd.


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Advantages of drip irrigation with water and fertilizer integration
Compared with traditional surface irrigation, drip irrigation has the following advantages:
1. Improve the utilization rate of water: the utilization rate of drip irrigation can reach 95%. Generally, it can save 30% - 50% water than surface irrigation, some crops can reach about 80% and save 10% - 20% water than sprinkler irrigation.
2. Saving fertilizer: timely and appropriate amount of water and nutrients directly to the root, improve the fertilizer utilization rate.
3. Labor saving: irrigation is pipe network water supply, easy to operate, and easy to automatic control, so it can save labor. At the same time, irrigation is local irrigation, most of the ground surface is kept dry, reducing the growth of weeds, which also reduces the labor for weeding.
4. Uniform irrigation: the irrigation system can effectively control the water flow of each emitter, so the irrigation uniformity is high, generally up to 80% - 90%.
5. Convenient for farming management: Irrigation only moistens the root zone of crops, and the space between rows is kept dry. Therefore, other agricultural activities can be carried out at the same time of irrigation, which reduces the interaction between irrigation and other farming.
6. Reduce the occurrence of diseases and insect pests: irrigation can reduce indoor air humidity, reduce pesticide residues in vegetables, and improve the quality of vegetables.
7. Increase crop yield: irrigation can provide better living and growing environment for crops, and greatly increase crop yield, generally up to 30% - 80%.
8. Reduce energy consumption: compared with surface border irrigation, irrigation can reduce water consumption by 50% - 70%, thus reducing the energy consumption of pumping; general energy consumption can be reduced
It decreased by about 30%.
9. Early supply to the market: the irrigation system can be used as early as 15-30 days.
10. Prolonging the market supply period: the environment is improved, which can make the crops grow vigorously for a longer time, so as to prolong the market supply period and obtain the best income.
Company archives
Company name: Hebei runtitan water-saving equipment Co. Ltd. Company Type: 个体经营 ()
Location: Global/Asia/China company size:
registered capital: 3100ten thousand人民币 Registered year: 2004
Data authentication:
Bond: Already paid 0.00 USD
Scope: 农业节水产品,PVC管,PP管,PE管,滴灌带,滴灌管,微喷带,微喷头,滴箭,过滤系统,施肥系统,稳流器,压力补偿滴头,自动化控制系统,管件
Sales: 滴灌带|滴灌管|微喷头|PE管|PE管件|施肥器|过滤器|紊流器
Agriculture / Agricultural equipment / Other agricultural equipment
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