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FEDA is a modern state-level high-tech enterprise integrating R & D, production and sales, which focus on manufacturing of thread rolling machine, thread rolling dies, automatic tapping machine, auto lathe machine & vibration bowl for more than 20 years, locates in Shenzhen, China.
Early in 2014, we developed high precision thread rolling machine successfully, got much attention in the industry , it is used for processing high-precision worm, shaft parts, lead screw, auto parts, etc. its superior performance, easy operation and technical level are second to none in China. FEDA has more than 20 machine models, there are 2-rolls type, 3-rolls type, hydraulic type, cam type, vertical type, manual or automatic type. They are widely used in Construction, Agriculture, Power Generation, Automotive, Medical Equipment, Aerospace, etc. FEDA can design and produce automatic f... [详细介绍] |
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