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首页 > 新闻中心 > Peptide Synthesis
Peptide Synthesis
发布时间:2016-12-05        浏览次数:16        返回列表
 Alfa Chemistry provides synthetic peptides with a wide range of labels, scales, purities and delivery time options to meet your research needs. We ensures that each custom peptide is triple checked for quality via both mass spectrometry(MS) and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analyses after each step during peptide purification and quality control (QC) procedures.

Features of our capacity and capability include:
Flexible quantities: from nanomole to milligram to gram to kilogram
Flexible purities: crude, desalt, and from 70% to 99% purity
Solid phase synthesis and solution phase synthesis
Personalized consultation with experienced peptide synthesis experts
Thousands of special modification including: phosphorylation, fluorescein, glycosylation, PEGylation, Rhodamine, AMC, pNA, Biotin, d-amino acids, stable isotopes, EDANS, Dabsyl, Dansyl, Abz, thiolactic acids, and many more

More information please visit the website:http://www.alfa-chemistry.com/services/peptide-synthesis.html